As his forces engaged in battle with the Mandalorians above the planet Malachor V, Revan dueled their leader Mandalore the Ultimate to the death while the two factions' fleets waited above. The beginnings of Revan's Sith Empire could be found in the end of the war. While unearthing the planet's buried secrets, Revan discovered evidence that an ancient Sith faction known as the Sith Empire still existed beyond the boundaries of known space and continued to pose a threat to the galaxy. There, he fell under the influence of the dark side. Towards the end of the Mandalorian Wars, the Republic's Jedi commander Revan visited the ancient Trayus Academy on the Sith world of Malachor V.
We knew where our loyalties lay – to the Jedi who came to help us, not the ones who sat back on Dantooine and Coruscant, watching us die.' ―Atton Rand ' After Malachor, after the Mandalorian Wars, that's when the Sith teachings started spreading through the ranks.